Submission Instructions
Five types of submissions are possible:
- Long papers (up to 14 pages): Papers submitted must be original (not submitted elsewhere in parallel) and describing theoretical and practical results.
- Short papers (up to 8 pages): Papers submitted must be original (not submitted elsewhere in parallel) and describing theoretical and practical results.
- Demonstrations (up to 6 pages): Papers concerning the description of a tool, prototype or model, accompanied by a max 5-minutes video.
- International abstracts (from 2 to 6 pages): Papers are an abstract of a previous international publication. The paper must be written in French.
- Posters (1 to 2 pages): Posters can present a research project, a thesis topic, etc.
Paers submitted must use the RNTI style.
Papers must be submitted via this site, "Deposits" tab.
The selected papers will be published in the Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information (RNTI).